Edge High School is a charter school authorized by contract with the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools.
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38.431.02, The Edge School, Inc. dba Edge High School hereby states that all notices of board meetings shall be posted online in the About Edge HS > Governing Board area. Notices and Agendas are posted at least 24 hours prior to the date and time of the meeting. Notices include the date, time and specific location of the meeting as well as the location where an agenda can be obtained.
Charter School Transparency
Edge High School Dashboards
Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Financial Report (External Link to ADE selection – select Edge School, Inc. The)
Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Expenditure Budget
Additional Information
Title IX Training Materials
Edge High School Board Approved Policy Manual
Public Records Requests
Please direct all public records requests to:
Anne Ortiz
520-881-1389 x 7303
Once received we will confirm receipt of the request within 5 business days.