photo of Michael Diaz, student at Edge High School in Tucson, Arizona.

We’d like to share with you one of our countless success stories at Edge High School. Meet Michael Diaz, member of our 2024 graduating class. 

When Michael joined Edge as a freshman, it was because his mom noticed he wasn’t thriving in his current, larger middle school. She hoped a small school would help him find his way, decrease his stress and build his confidence. 

At Edge, Michael found a close-knit community that was accepting and open. Field trips, like his favorite visit to the Catalina Mountains with the UA Sky School class, made it easy to make friends because everyone had a chance to be themselves. He found a shame-free environment where “nobody will judge you for being you.” 

Michael also found teachers who truly cared about him, his education and his future. They supported him to make a plan for high school and navigate through the ups and downs of life.  Michael has a lot of good things to say about the teachers at Edge: 

They are different because they actually care about the students. They make plans to help us achieve our goals and get a step closer to graduation. They are patient and caring.

And they have a lot of good things to say about him, too. Michael’s teachers recognize him as one of Edge’s most engaged and interested students. He was active in our school’s partnership programs and volunteer events and completed a service project with the Tucson Botanical Gardens. When asked to speak to his classmates about Edge by one of his teachers, Michael didn’t skip a beat – he spoke confidently and passionately in front of his peers – and even confessed to winging the whole speech. Maybe a possible public speaking career is in his future? 

Michael moved through high school at his own pace. Coming into Edge, he didn’t know he was interested in working in Cybersecurity, but he did know that he’d always had a mind for engineering and math. His teachers took note of his skills, put him in touch with someone who currently works in the field of cybersecurity and encouraged him to take advantage of one of our first Pima Community College courses. That 2 week course not only sparked his interest in the growing field, but provided him with a certificate in Basic Cybersecurity that is a building block for his future career. 

After graduation, Michael is planning to volunteer for 2 months at a non-profit organization that builds, produces and recycles electronics. He will then move into studying Computer Hardware Engineering. 

Michael credits our small size and the 1:1 attention he received at Edge to his success. We credit his hard work and perseverance for making his dream come true. We’re infinitely proud of your success story, Michael. Congratulations on your graduation!  🎉

About Edge

EDGE is a Cognia accredited, tuition-free, charter high school, with two campuses in the greater Tucson area. We provide an alternative to traditional education, meeting the diverse learning and life needs of our students with our blended curriculum and flexible morning or afternoon class schedules. Our high-quality, passionate teachers are dedicated to individualized instruction in our small academic classes. Be you. With us. At Edge.