Edge High School - Southern Arizona Construction Career Days


Field Trip Permission Form


DATE:           October 23, 2024

TIME: 8:30AM – 1:45PM

DEPARTING Edge Northwest 8:30AM / Edge Himmel Park 9:00AM

RETURNING to Edge Himmel Park at-1:15PM/ Edge Northwest 1:45 PM

DESTINATION:  Southern Arizona Construction Career Days, Kino Event Center • 2500 E. Ajo Way.

PURPOSE: This event is designed for educators to provide career exploration for their students within the construction industry, including trades, infrastructure, utilities, engineering, design and architecture and more.

TRANSPORTATION: Chartered Bus, Mountain View Tours

TRIP SPONSOR: Edge High School


Please complete the permission slip form no later than  Friday, October 18th@ 4PM. .

Permission Slip Form - Southern Arizona Construction Career Days 10/23/24

  • Student may fill out this form if +18

    Fields with an asterisk are required.

  • I give permission for the identified student to travel with Edge Staff as indicated in the field trip details provided on the accompanying page.

  • I realize that Edge High School’s liability coverage only applies to injury if negligence is proven against Edge High School and the terms and conditions of the contractual liability coverage provided in favor of Edge High School have been met; in all other circumstances, the student’s health insurance will provide coverage for the student’s injuries.

  • Medical Release: In case of accident or serious illness, I request the trip sponsor to contact me. If I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the trip sponsor to call the physician indicated on the health record and follow his/her instructions. If it is impossible to contact the physician, the trip sponsor may make whatever arrangements are necessary. The trip sponsor will follow special medical treatment, including any information regarding allergies or drug reactions, as listed on the student’s medical data provided by Edge High School.

  • Signatures will be compared with enrollment documents on file.