Are you behind in credits?  There are thousands of students in the United States who are worried that they will not be able to graduate because they have failed or missed a class, keeping them from having enough credits to be able to meet requirements. Credit recovery programs give students the opportunity to earn those credits and get back on the path to graduation.  In this article we will cover all of the basics related to credit recovery in Tucson, Arizona.

What does credit recovery do?

According to,

Credit recovery is a term used to describe a wide variety of educational strategies and programs that give high school students who have failed a class the opportunity to redo coursework or retake a course through alternate means—and thereby avoid failure and earn academic credit. In some cases, credit recovery is touted as a dropout-prevention strategy. The most familiar form of credit recovery is perhaps summer-school programs that allow students to recover credit from courses they have failed during the regular school year.

How long does it take to recover credit in Tucson, Arizona?

Credit recovery can take different amounts of time depending on the program.  For instance, Edge High School’s self-paced instructional model allows you the opportunity to recover credit. At Edge you take only 3 classes at a time, allowing you to focus and accomplish more than in a traditional school year! Most students are able to complete courses in 2-3 months.

How does credit recovery at Edge differ from online credit recovery schools like K12 Virtual Academy or Primavera?

Yes, absolutely it is possible to credit recovery online. In fact, Edge offers both text and web-based curriculum to meet the needs of students with diverse learning styles, as well as access to onsite instructional support.

How does credit recovery affect GPA?

The answer to this question varies depending on the program.  For instance, any core course earned at Edge factors into the student’s GPA regardless of whether it is for credit recovery or the student is caught up on credits.

What is a good website to learn more about credit recovery in Arizona?

While there are a number of credit recovery options available, there is not one comprehensive online resource to help you walk through credit recovery. Instead, we recommend starting your credit recovery research with Edge High School, a tuition-free public charter school in Tucson. Edge will be able to provide you guidance on the best approach to credit recovery.

What credit recovery high schools are near me in Tucson, Arizona?

While there is no definitive list of the high schools that offer credit recovery in Tucson, we recommend you take a look at Edge High School to see what credit recovery options are available. Graduating from Edge High School will earn you the same diploma you would get from a traditional high school. Edge is accredited through AdvancED, which means credit earned at Edge is transferable to any high school or college in the country!

How are credits earned for credit recovery?

It is different from school to school, but here’s how you can earn credit at Edge.

Unlike at a traditional school you do not have to wait until the end of a quarter or semester in order to earn credit. At Edge, students earn credit when they finish all the assignments on their syllabus with at least a 70% or higher on each assignment. Most students are able to complete courses within 8-10 weeks. Implementing strategies like working on school work at home and participating in before or after school tutoring will both help you in your learning and in completing courses in a timely manner.

EDGE is a Cognia accredited, tuition-free, charter high school, with two campuses in the greater Tucson area. We provide an alternative to traditional education, meeting the diverse learning and life needs of our students with our blended curriculum and flexible morning or afternoon class schedules. Our high-quality, passionate teachers are dedicated to individualized instruction in our small academic classes. Be you. With us. At EDGE!